Teats & Bag Photos Close to Foaling

Miniature Donkeys Half Ass Acres Miniature DonkeysHalf Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys
Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys
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Click Here  for  "Jennets That Are Due to Foal."

Click Here  for  "Jennets That Have Foals by Their Sides."

Click Here  for  " Young Future Brood Jennets."

Click Here  for  "Ambassador Jennets on the Show Circuit."

Click Here  for  "Retired/Deceased Brood Jennets for Reference."

You are on   'Photos of Bags of Jennets Close to Foaling'  page.

Welcome to HAA Miniature Donkey Farm!
Photos of Changes Close to Foaling!

I have grouped together all the photos we have taken of the changes you will see when a jennet is close to foaling to help you learn what to watch for. We hope these photos help you know when to expect your foals.


Baby's Teat and Bag Photos
(started bagging up on 5/20/21)
Foaled on 7/18/21 @ 10:10pm
5/21/21 5/23/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
5/28/21 6/02/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
6/06/21 6/08/21
hoto of jennet's teats and bag before foaling Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling
6/12/21 6/15/21
Photo of miniature donkey's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of miniature donkey's teats and bag before foaling.
6/18/21 6/20/21
Photo of miniature donkey's teats and bag before foaling. Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling.
6/21/21 6/22/21
Baby's Teat and Bag Photos
(started bagging up on 5/20/21) 

Baby's Teat and Bag Photos
(started bagging up on 5/20/21) 

Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling.
6/25/21 /27/21
Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling. Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling.
6/28/21 7/10/21
Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling.
7/11/21 7/12/21
Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling. Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling.
7/14/21 7/15/21
Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling. Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling.
Baby has been bagged up for over eight weeks now.
She can't hold out much longer.
7/17/21 7/18/21 am
Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling. Photo of miniature donkey's bag and teats 10 hours before foaling.
7/18/21 Milk  

Delivered a dark jack w/nlp
7/18/21 @ 10:10 pm
Birth Height=18¼"
Birth Weight: 15.4 lbs.



Silee's Teat and Bag Photos
(started bagging up on 5/15/21)
5/19/21 5/20/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
5/21/21 5/23/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
5/28/21 6/02/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
6/04/21 6/06/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Poto of jennet's teats and bag before foaling
6/08/21 6/12/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling Photo of miniature donkey's bag and teats before foaling.
6/15/21 6/17/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling
6/18/21 6/20/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling.
6/21/21 6/22/21
Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling. Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling.
6/25/21 6/27/21
Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling. Photos of miniature donkeys teats and bag before foaling.
6/28/21 6/28/21
All signs point to baby arriving very soon! Cloudy to 2% Milk

Silee foaled a black no light point jack with a star on 6/30/21 @ 12:34 am. His birth weight was 18.2 lbs. We will measure his height later today after he has completely unfolded from being cramped up in the birth canal.



Ginger's 2021Teat and Bag Photos
started bagging up on 4/08/21
she foaled on 6/13/21 @ 4:07am.
4/12/21 4/17/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
4/23/21 4/24/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
4/29/21 5/05/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
5/07/21 5/11/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
5/16/21 5/18/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
5/19/21 5/21/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
5/23/21 5/24/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
5/25/21 5/26/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
This jennet will not be ready to foal until the dent disappears in between her teats and instead slightly pooches out like a balloon. She has now been bagged up for seven weeks!
5/27/21 5/28/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling.
5/29/21 5/30/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling
5/31/21 6/01/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling
6/02/21 6/02/21
Milk clear
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling Clear Milk that means she is NOTclose to foaling.
6/03/21 6/04/21
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling  
6/06/21 AM 6/06/21 PM
hoto of jennet's teats and bag before foaling photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling
6/08/21 AM 6/08/21 PM
Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling Photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling
6/09/21 AM 6/09/21 PM
photo of jennet's teats and bag before foaling
6/10/21 6/11/21
Photo of Ginger's teats and bag before foaling. Photo of Ginger's teats and bag before foaling.
6/12/21 6/12/21 2% Milk
Photo of miniaturew donkey's teats and bag just before foaling. Photo of Miniature Donkey's 2% milk hours before foaling.
We expect Ginger to finally foal within 48 hours!
6/13/21 @ 4:07am
Solid, healthy boy!


Punch's 2020 Teat and Bag Photos
I failed to write down the date
that she started 'bagging up'.
8/31/20 9/01/20
Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby. Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby.
9/02/20 9/03/20
Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby. Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby.
9/04/20 9/05/20
Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby. Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby.
9/08/20 9/27/20
Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby. Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby.
9/28/20 9/29/20
Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby. Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby.
10/07/20 10/13/20
Miniature donkey, Punch's, teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby.
10/15/20 10/16/20
Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby. Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby.
10/18/20 10/22/20
Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby. Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby.
10/24/20 10/28/20
Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby. Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby.
10/30/20 11/01/20
Miniature donkey, Sweet Punch, photos of bag and teats before foaling a miniature donkey baby. Punch, Miniature Donkey just minutes before foaling
11/01/20 @ 11:20pm Punch foaled a dark spotted jack
Punch is not a good representation of what teats
appear like before foaling/she did not follow the rules.


Bainbridge Sierra Mist's bag
& teat photos before foaling.
8/16/20 8/18/20
Bainbridge Sierra Mist, miniature donkeys teats before foaling Bainbridge Sierra Mist, miniature donkeys teats before foaling
8/23/20 8/28/20
Bainbridge Sierra Mist, miniature donkeys teats before foaling miniature donkeys teats before foaling
8/31/20 9/01/20
Bainbridge Sierra Mist, miniature donkeys teats before foaling Bainbridge Sierra Mist, miniature donkeys teats before foaling
9/02/20 9/04/20
Bainbridge Sierra Mist, miniature donkeys teats before foaling Bainbridge Sierra Mist, miniature donkeys teats before foaling
9/05/20 9/06/20
Bainbridge Sierra Mist, miniature donkeys teats before foaling

9/06/20 @ 5am Sierra gave birth to a beautiful spotted jennet, Malakai Who's That Girl (Girly), 21" tall & 24.4 lbs at birth.



Lady's 2020 Teat and Bag Photos
started 'bagging up' on 7/25/20
She foaled on 8/29/20
7/30/20 8/02/20
Miniature donkey, Lady's, photos of her teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey, Lady's, photos of her teats and bag before foaling.
8/04/20 8/05/20
Miniature donkey, Lady's, photos of her teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey, Lady's, photos of her teats and bag before foaling.
8/10/20 8/14/20
Miniature donkey, Lady's, photos of her teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey, Lady's, photos of her teats and bag before foaling.
8/15/20 8/16/20
iniature donkey, Lady's, photos of her teats and bag before foaling. iniature donkey, Lady's, photos of her teats and bag before foaling.
8/18/20 8/20/20
Photos of Lady's bag and teats before foaling. Photos of Lady's bag and teats before foaling.
8/21/20 8/23/20
Photos of Lady's bag and teats before foaling. Photos of Lady's bag and teats before foaling.
8/25/20 8/27/20
Photos of Lady's bag and teats before foaling. Photos of Lady's bag and teats before foaling.
8/28/20 8/29/20 8am
Photos of Lady's bag and teats before foaling. Photos of Lady's bag and teats before foaling.
8/29/20 11am 8/29/20 White Milk
Photos of Lady's bag shortley before she foaled. Photos of Lady's white milk shortly befoe she foaled.
Fully engorged and the dent in between her teats as disappeared. Lady will be
foaling before the
weekend is over!
  Lady foaled a dark spotted jennet on 8/29/20 @ 11:43pm


Lucia's 2020 Teat and Bag Photos
started 'bagging up' on 7/25/20
She foaled on 8/27/20
7/30/20 8/02/20
Miniature donkey, Lucia's, photos of teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey, Lucia's, photos of teats and bag before foaling.
8/04/20 8/05/20
Miniature donkey, Lucia's, photos of teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey, Lucia's, photos of teats and bag before foaling.
8/10/20 8/14/20
Miniature donkey, Lucia's, photos of teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey, Lucia's, photos of teats and bag before foaling.
8/18/20 8/20/20
Miniature donkey, Lucia's, photos of teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey, Lucia's, photos of teats and bag before foaling.
8/21/20 8/23/20
Miniature donkey, Lucia's, photos of teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey, Lucia's, photos of teats and bag before foaling.
Miniature donkey, Lucia's, photos of teats and bag before foaling. 8/27/20
Spotted Jennet


Black Beauty's 2020 Teat and Bag Photos
started 'bagging up' on 6/18/20
She foaled on 8/24/20
6/27/20 7/03/20
Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling, miniature donkeys. Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling.
7/07/20 708/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling.
7/10/20 7/13/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
7/15/20 7/17/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
7/20/20 7/26/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
7/28/20 7/30/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
8/01/20 8/02/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
8/04/20 8/05/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
8/07/20 8/10/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
8/11/20 8/12/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
8/14/20 8/15/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
8/16/20 8/17/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
8/18/20 8/19/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
8/20/20 8/21/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
8/22/20 8/23/20 am
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
8/23/20 pm 8/24/20
Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling Miniature donkey, Black Beauty's teats and bag before foaling
Spotted Jack born on 8/24/20.


Cake's 2020 Teat and Bag Photos
started 'bagging up' on 6/25/20
She foaled on 8/22/20.
7/03/20 7/08/20
Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling.
7/10/20 7/15/20
Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling.
7/20/20 7/26/20
Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling.
7/28/20 7/30/20
Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling.
8/01/20 8/02/20
Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling.
8/04/20 8/05/20
Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling.
8/07/20 8/10/20
Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling.
8/12/20 8/14/20
Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling.
8/15/20 8/16/20
Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling.
8/17/20 8/18/20
Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling. Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling.
8/21/20 8/22/20
Miniature donkey Cake's teats and bag before foaling. Spotted Jack born around 5pm. HHAA Cake Walk (Walker)


Shimmy's 2020 Teat and Bag Photos
started 'bagging up' on 5/25/20
She foaled on 7/23/20, 8 weeks and
1 day after she started bagging up.
6/04/20 6/14/20
Shimmy's 2020 first bag photo of the season Shimmy's teats and bag on 6/14/20
6/27/20 7/03/20
Shimmy's teats and bag before foal. Shimmy's teats and bag before foaling.
7/07/20 7/08/20
Miniature donkey, Shimmy's, bag and teats right before foaling. Miniature donkey, Shimmy's, bag and teats right before foaling.
7/10/20 7/13/20
Miniature donkey, Shimmy's, bag and teats right before foaling. Miniature donkey, Shimmy's, bag and teats right before foaling.
7/15/20 7/17/20
Miniature donkey, Shimmy's, bag and teats right before foaling. Miniature donkey's teats and bag before foaling
7/20/20 7/22/20
Miniature donkey's teats and bag before foaling Shimmy's teats and bag just hours before foaling.
7/22/20 7/23/20
Miniature donkey, Shimmy's, milk just hours before foaling. 7/23/20 @ 8:08pm
Spotted Jennet


Sweety's 2020 Teat and Bag Photos
started 'bagging up' on 6/09/20
(she foaled six weeks & two days)
6/14/20 6/27/20
Sweety's bag on 6/14/20 Sweetie's teats and bag before foaling.
7/03/20 7/07/20
Sweetie, miniature donkey, photos of teats and bag before foaling. Sweetie, miniature donkey, photos of teats and bag before foaling.
7/08/20 7/10/20
Sweetie, miniature donkey, photos of teats and bag before foaling. Sweetie, miniature donkey, photos of teats and bag before foaling.
7/13/20 7/15/20
Sweetie, miniature donkey, photos of teats and bag before foaling. Sweetie, miniature donkey, photos of teats and bag before foaling.
7/15/20 pm 7/16/20
Sweetie, miniature donkey's white milk right before foaling. Snow white milk on miniature donkey jennet, Sweetie, just hours before foaling.
Miniature donkey Sweetie's bag just hours before foaling. 7/16/20 @ 8:08pm
Frosted Spotted
White Jennet


Lacie's 2019 Teat and Bag Photos
started 'bagging up' on 10/23/19
foaled on 12/01/19 (5 weeks & 3 days)
2019/11/14 2019/11/25
2019/11/26 2019/11/27
2019/12/01 @ 9 pm.

I did not take a photo today because I did not think she was ready. Shows how much I know. Lacie foaled a dark spotted jack on 12/01/19 @ 9:00 pm. He weighed 21.0 lbs. & was 21" tall.


Smitten's 2019 Teat and Bag Photos
she was hand bred on 10/28/18
started 'bagging up' on 8/28/19
and foaled on 10/27/19 @ 3:07am.
2019/09/04 2019/09/22
2019/10/11 2019/10/26 am
10/26/19 am 2% Milk  
Baby will be arriving s
ometime this weekend!
Born on 10/27/19 @ 3:07am
Black Jack w/NLP 23.0 lbs


Party Doll's 2019 Teat and Bag Photos
started 'bagging up' on 6/12/19
and she foaled on 7/23/19
2019/07/01 2019/07/07
Photo of miniature donkey jennet's bag and teats close to foaling. Photo of miniature donkey jennet's bag and teats close to foaling.
2019/07/15 2019/07/23
Short Asset's Party Doll's teats eight days before foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm. photo of jennet's teats on the day she foaled

Photo above was taken eight days before foaling.

Photo above was take the day she foaled.


Party Doll foaled a black jennet on 7/23/19 @ 6:50pm.  It's My Party was 21.25" tall & 29.2 lbs.


Silee's 2019 Teat and Bag Photos
started 'bagging up' on 4/6/19
foaled spotted jennet on 5/21/19
2019/04/20 2019/05/03
Photos of bag and teats of miniature donkey jennet in foal. miniature donkey close to foaling
2019/05/10 2019/05/14
2019/05/20 am 2019/05/20am Cloudy Milk
2019/05/20 pm 2019/05/20 pm 2% Milk

A tyger spotted jennet was born at 5:07 pm. Mom and baby are doing great!


Taffy's 2019 Teat and Bag Photos
started 'bagging up' on 3/7/19
2019/03/31 2019/04/04
miniature donkey in foal pics miniature donkey in foal pics
2019/04/06 2019/04/20
miniature donkey in foal pics miniature donkey in foal pics
miniature donkey close to foaling

Taffy is very close...we think she will foal during this weekend.

2019/05/04 am 2019/05/04 am
teats on a miniature donkey the day of foaling. Cloudy milk from a miniature donkey close to foaling.
  Cloudy Milk
2019/05/04 pm 2019/05/04 pm
Teats of a miniature donkey two hours from foaling. White milk from a miniature donkey close to foaling.
White Milk This photo was taken a few hours before she foaled.

2019/05/04 @ 10:18pm Taffy foaled a solid no light points jennet that weighs 31.2 lbs. She's spectacular!  We are going to name her Miss Bruise Control. This is our last Bruise offspring sadly so we are retaining her for our breeding program.


Photos of El-Leigh's teats and bag for her 2019 foal.
El-Leigh started bagging up on 12/13/18.
1/21/19 1/26/10
Photos of teats and bag of miniature donkey jennet in foal Photos of teats and bag of miniature donkey jennet in foal

El-Leigh's bag is so small that it is difficult to photograph. We are expecting her to develop very quickly so we are keeping a close eye on her.

1/28/19 1/29/19 @ 11 pm.
photo of teats and bag of miniature donkey close to foaling

El-Leigh foaled a dark red jack the very next night at 11 am.  It took several hours later for her milk to come in.


Photos of Bet's teats and bag for her 2018 foal.
Bets started bagging up on 11/16/18
and foaled on 12/15/18 @ 3:36am
11/30/18 12/02/18
Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling. Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling.
12/04/18 12/06/18
Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling. Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling.
12/08/18 12/10/18
Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling. Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling.
12/11/18 12/12/18
Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling. Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling.
12/13/18 12/13/18 Cloudy Milk
Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling. Photo of cloudy milk right before miniature donkey foal is born.
12/14/18 12/14/18 White Milk
Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling. Photos of White Milk just before a miniature doneky foal is born
12/15/18 Swollen Vulva 12/15/18 Red Inside Vulva
Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling. Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling.
12/15/18 12/15/18
Photos of miniature donkey jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling. Photos of loose stool right before a miniature donkey foals.
12/15/18 Foaled 12/15/18 @ 3:36am
Photos of loose stool right before a miniature donkey foals. Newborn Miniature Donkey Foal born at Half Ass Acres in 2018.
  Dark Jennet w/NLP


Photos of Romona's teats and bag for her 2018 jennet foal.
Ramona started 'bagging up' on 10/07/18
She was due on 11/30/18
11/04/18 11/09/18
11/11/18 11/16/18
11/17/18 11/17/18

Dark Jennet w/NLP born two hours after last two photos were taken on 11/17/18 @ 7:48pm


Sabrina's 2018 Bag Photos
(I have no idea when this jennet is due to foal...
previous owners thought she was due in July.)
5/25/18 5/28/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
  Yes, I know..I need to
shave her hair off!
6/04/18 6/12/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
6/19/18 6/22/18
Photos of miniature donkeys close to foaling. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
6/25/18 6/28/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
7/02/18 7/16/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
7/24/18 7/31/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of jennet's teats that are close to foaling.
8/02/18 8/05/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
8/07/18 8/17/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
8/28/18 9/01/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
9/11/18 9/17/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
9/19/18 9/20/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
9/22/18 9/23/18
Photos of jennet's teats that are close to foaling. Photos of jennet's teats that are close to foaling.


9/27/18 9/28/18
Photos of jennet's teats that are close to foaling. Photos of jennet's teats that are close to foaling.
9/29/18 9/30/18
Photos of jennet's teats that are close to foaling. Photos of jennet's teats that are close to foaling.
10/02/18 10/03/18
Photos of jennet's teats that are close to foaling. Photos of jennet's teats that are close to foaling.
10/04/18 10/10/18
Photos of jennet's teats that are close to foaling. Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
10/12/18 10/13/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
10/16/18 10/17/18 Cloudy Milk
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Color of milk when miniature donkeys close to foaling.
10/18/18 am 10/18/18 pm
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
The dent has disappeared between her teats.
11/18/18pm 2% Milk 11/19/18 @ 5:15am
Color of milk when miniature donkeys close to foaling. Newborn black with star miniature donkey foal for sale.
  Dark Jack born with star.


Dolly's 2018 Teat and Bag Photos
(started 'bagging up' on 7/21/18)
7/24/18 7/31/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
8/02/18 8/05/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
8/07/18 8/17/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
8/28/18 9/01/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
9/08/18 9/09/18 @ 6:42am

I was distracted preparing for a donkey show and did not take any photos but I did notice that Dolly had made a change in her teats and bag late in the afternoon of 9/08/18, after we returned from day one of the Music City NMDA donkey show. Her milk was clear that night.

When we went to the barn early that morning to leave for day two of the Music City Show we discovered that Dolly was in early labor. Her dark jennet foal was born at 6:42 am. on my deceased Mother's b'day, Gene Ray. So we had to name this foal after my mom, HHAA Dream of Genie.


Black Beauty's 2018 Bag Photos
(BB started 'bagging up' on 5/06/18
and her due date was July 21st, 2018
she foaled on 7/01/18 around 6:30am )
5/06/18 5/07/18
Miniature Donkey's teats and bag before foaling. Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
5/12/18 5/18/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
5/25/18 5/27/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
6/04/18 6/12/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.
6/19/18 6/21/18
Photos of miniature donkeys close to foaling. hotos of miniature donkeys close to foaling.
6/25/18 6/28/18
Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby. Photos of donkeys close to foaling a miniature donkey baby.

We checked BB's milk late on 7/30/18 and it was clear. We checked her on our barn cams at 5:30am and all was well. We checked again at approx. 7am before we went out to feed and clean and there was her foal...standing but not yet nursing and with the placenta still attached. Praise the Lord all was well. Fooled by another maiden and by not being diligent with our watch! Best we can determine she foaled her precious tyger spotted jennet approximately around 6:30am.


Elvira's 2018 Bag Photos
(Elvira started 'bagging up' on 4/17/18
and her due date was 5/31/18
and she foaled on 6/21/18 )
4/17/18 5/02/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass 



Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey
5/12/18 5/18/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of miniature donkeys close to foaling.
5/25/18 5/27/18
Photos of miniature donkeys close to foaling. Photos of miniature donkeys close to foaling.
6/04/18 6/12/18
Photos of miniature donkeys close to foaling. Photos of miniature donkeys close to foaling.
6/14/18 6/19/18
Photos of miniature donkeys close to foaling. Photos of miniature donkeys close to foaling.
6/21/18 6/21/18 2% Milk

Elvira refused to let me take a photo of her teats and bag today but I did manage to squeeze out enough milk to see that she was very close.


6/21/18 @ 2:50pm Elvira foaled a gorgeous dark red jennet. Just a very few hours after we saw that her milk had color.


Sweetie's 2018 Bag Photos
(Sweetie started 'bagging up'
on 4/12/18 and foaled on 5/25/18)
4/11/18 4/26/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm.
5/02/18 5/05/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
5/08/18 5/12/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
5/18/18 5/24/18
Photos of jennets due to foal.
5/24/18 5/24/18
5/25/18 @ 1:15am

A frosted white spotted jennet was born with the help of our vet, Dr. Harris.  The baby was a breech birth and after much hard work on Dr. Harris part he was finally able to pull her out backwards.


Punch's 2018 Bag Photos
(Punch started 'bagging up' on 3/22/18)
4/08/18 4/11/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm.
4/17/18 4/26/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donk Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
5/02/18 5/03/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
5/04/18 5/05/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
5/05/18 5/06/18
Photo of cloudy milk of miniature donkey before foaling.
Cloudy Milk? Well no! Punch has regressed/no baby today!
5/07/18 5/10/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
5/11/18 5/12/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
5/18/18 5/19/18
Miniature donkey photos close to foaling. Miniature donkey photos close to foaling.
5/19/18 2% Milk in Morning 5/19/18 White Milk in Evening
Photos of milk of miniature donkeys close to foaling. Photos of milk of miniature donkeys close to foaling.

Dark Jack born a few hours later on 5/19/18 @ 7:45pm!


Bab's 2018 Bag Photos
(Babs started 'bagging up' on 3/25/18)
3/31/18 4/08/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm. Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm.
4/11/18 4/17/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm. Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
4/18/18 4/19/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm. Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm.
4/26/18 5/02/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm. Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey
5/03/18 5/05/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
5/07/18 5/10/19
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
5/12/18 Morning 5/12/18 Morning Milk
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
5/12/18 Evening 5/12/18 Evening
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass

5/12/18 @ 7:05pm Babs foaled a beautiful masked spotted jennet with a huge star. With the help of her owners, Kenny & Dot Scott, and the Randall family we were finally successful in getting her to nurse right at midnight. We will be posting photos and videos soon because we are so very proud of this gorgeous foal.


Shimmy's 2018 Bag Photos
(Shimmy started 'bagging up' on 2/25/18 & foaled on 5/01/18)
3/31/18 4/08/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm.
4/11/18 4/17/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm. Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donk
4/18/18 4/26/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
4/30/18 4/30/18
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass
Morning Cloudy Milk in am
4/30/18pm 5/01/18am
Photos of jennet's teats and bags that are close to foaling at Half Ass Miniature donkey's milk before foaling.
2% Milk in evening.

Still 2% milk 1/2 hour before foaling. Her milk never turned white until after the foal was born.

Miniature donkey's bag and teats moments before foaling.

Shimmy's water broke at 10:25am and a spotted jack was born and took his first breath at 10:34am.

Shimmy began labor shortly after this pic was taken 5/01. Notice how the bag is completely rounded on the bottom now.



She's a Ten's Third Foal ~ 2018
12/08/17 12/17/17
She's a Ten's teats and bag on 12/08/17 before foaling. She's a Ten's teats and bag on 12/17/17 before foaling.
1st photo of Ten's bag  
12/29/17 1/05/18
She's a Ten's teats and bag on 12/29/17 before foaling. Ten's teats and bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal in 2018.
1/10/18 1/13/18
Ten's teats and bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal in 2018. Ten's teats and bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal in 2018.
1/21/18 1/24/18
Ten's teats and bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal in 2018. Ten's teats and bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal in 2018.
1/25/18 1/28/18
Ten's teats and bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal in 2018.
1/29/18 1/31/18
Ten's teats and bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal in 2018. Ten's teats and bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal in 2018.
2/02/18 2/03/18
Ten's teats and bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal in 2018. Ten's teats and bag just four hours before foaling a spotted jack at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm.
  Her milk was still
clear@ 6pm on 2/03/18.
  Gray/White Spotted Jack was born on 2/03/18 @ 11:50pm


Paper Tyger's Second Foal ~ 2017
7/14/17 7/15/17
Paper Tyger, miniature donkey in foal Paper Tyger, miniature donkey in foal
1st photo of Paper Tyger's bag  
7/16/17 7/19/17
Paper Tyger, miniature donkey in foal Paper Tyger, miniature donkey in foal
7/20/17 7/22/17
Paper Tyger's bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal. Paper Tyger's bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal.
7/26/17 7/29/17
Paper Tyger's bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal. Paper Tyger's bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal.
8/02/17 8/04/17
Paper Tyger's bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal.
8/05/17 8/06/17
Paper Tyger's bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal. Paper Tyger's bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal.
8/07/17 8/09/17
Paper Tyger's bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal.
8/13/17 8/16/17
Paper Tyger's bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal. Paper Tyger's bag before foaling her miniature donkey foal.
8/20/17 8/23/17

I know she looks ready here but she is still soft. It won't be long though now.

Still soft to the touch
and milk is clear.
8/24/17 826/17

Paper Tyger foaled a gorgeous spotted jennet early this morning!


Smitten's Second Foal ~ 2017
6/23/17 6/25/17
Smitten's bag when in foal Smitten's chang in teats when in foal
1st photo of Smitten's bag Teats beginning to spread
7/08/17 7/09/17
Smitten, miniature donkey jennet in foal Smitten, miniature donkey jennet in foal
7/14/17 7/15/17
Smitten, miniature donkey jennet in foal Smitten, miniature donkey jennet in foal
7/16/17 7/20/17
Smitten, miniature donkey jennet in foal Smitten, miniature donkey jennet in foal
7/22/17 7/26/17
Smitten, miniature donkey jennet in foal Smitten, miniature donkey jennet in foal
7/29/17 8/02/17
Smitten, miniature donkey jennet in foal Smitten, miniature donkey jennet in foal
8/04/17 8/05/17
Smitten, miniature donkey jennet in foal Smitten, miniature donkey jennet in foal
8/07/17 8/09/17
8/09/17 2% Milk 8/10/17 @ 1:44am
Masked Spotted Jennet!


Satin's Second Foal ~ 2017
5/13/17 5/29/17
Satin's teats and bag on 5/29/17
6/03/17 6/15/17
6/16/17 11am 2% milk 6/16/17 11am
Satin's 2% Milk
6/16/17 5pm  
Dark Jack w/NLP  


Raven's First Foal ~ 2017
5/13/17 5/20/17
  Raven has been 'bagging up' here for 5 weeks and 4 days.
5/29/17 6/03/17 am
Raven's teats and bag on 5/29/17.
6/03/17 pm 6/04/17

Raven has white milk. She will foal before the weekend is over.

I did not take my camera with me to the barn but she has all the signs...teats east/west...dent disappeared between them and white milk.

6/04/17 am 6/04/17 am


Raven foaled a dark nlp jennet on 6/04/17 @ 1:21pm that we named Hit the Fan (Fanny).


Bet's First Foal ~ 2017
5/01/17 5/13/17
5/20/17 9am 5/20/17 9am

This is a bad angle but you can tell her teats are engorged, pointing East and West, her bag is very firm to the touch and her dent is now gone in between her teats.

Bets has 2% milk this morning. We expect her to foal before this weekend is over.

5/21/17 pm 5/21/17 pm
Fully Engorged! White Milk!
  5/20/17 @ 9:57 pm a dark jack with no light points was born...more info soon!


Junebug's bag for her 2017 & last foal!
4/10/17 4/12/17
Junebug's teats and bag for her 2017 foal. Junebug's teats and bag for her 2017 foal.
Bug started bagging
up for sure on April 8th.
4/22/17 4/28/17
Junebug's teats and bag for her 2017 foal. Junebug's teats and bag for her 2017 foal.
5/06/17 5/08/17
Junebug's teats and bag for her 2017 foal.
  Junebug's still has a dent in between her teats but she is firm and her teats are swollen from top to bottom.
5/08/17 @ 9am. 5/08/17 @ 9:40am
Dark Spotted Jennet!
Praise the Lord!
2% Milk and she was born 40 minutues after this photo was taken.  


Star Struck's bag for her 2017 foal
3/05/17 3/06/17
Star Struck's bag before foaling.
  We have a long way to go.
3/15/17 3/19/17
Star Struck's bag before foaling.
3/22/17 3/26/17
Star Struck's bag before foaling. Star Struck's bag before foaling.
4/01/17 4/08/17
Star Struck's bag before foaling. Star Struck's bag before foaling.
Photo by Kim Milikowski
Thank you Kim!!
4/09/17 4/10/17
Star Struck's bag before foaling. Star Struck's bag before foaling.
4/12/17 4/16/17
Star Struck's bag before foaling. Star Struck's bag before foaling.
4/21/17 4/28/17
Star Struck's bag before foaling. Star Struck's bag before foaling.
4/29/17 - noon 4/29/17
Star Struck's bag before foaling. Starstruck's cloudy milk on 4/29/17 at noon.
  Cloudy milk at noon..baby will be arriving before this weekend is over!
4/29/17 @ 6pm 4/30/17 @ 3:30am
Star Struck now has white milk! Star Struck appears to
be in early labor now.
4/30/17 @ 4:25am I missed taking a
final photo of her
teats that showed
the dent gone.
Star Struck foaled
a black jack!
23.2 lbs/we will
measure later today



Hello Dolly''s bag for her 2017 foal
3/19/17 3/20/17
Dolly's bag before foaling.

She barely has started her bag. She should foal close to or after her foaling date.

Horrible photos I know but I just can't see anymore..need new glasses.

3/22/17 3/26/17
Dolly's bag before foaling. Dolly's bag before foaling.
4/01/17 4/08/17
Dolly's bag before foaling. Dolly's bag before foaling.
Photo by Kim Milikowski
Thank you Kim!!
Dolly's bag is still very soft so she
is no where near foaling at this time.
4/12/17 4/16/17
Dolly's bag before foaling. Dolly's bag before foaling.
4/21/17 4/24/17 @ 11:35pm
Dolly's bag before foaling.

I got lazy and did not take a photo and missed the signs. Dolly foaled a gorgeous spotted jennet on 11/24/17 @ 11:35pm. We barely made it to the barn in time to assist with the birth. Mom and jennet are doing great. Photos and videos will be posted in a couple of days. She weighed 19.2 lbs. at birth and we will measure in the morning.

We do not expect a foal today.  


Ramona's bag for 2017

Ramona started ''bagging up' on January 14th, 2017. We expect her to foal within six weeks give or take two weeks.

1/31/17 2/01/17
2/08/17 2/09/17
2/12/17 2/13/17
2/16/17 2/17/17
2/16/17 2/17/17
2/18/177 am 2/18/17 7 am
  Baby will arrive this weekend!
Before Monday (2/20/17) is here!
2/18/17 pm 2/18/17 pm
  Born 2/19/17 @ 2:13am
  Dark No Light Point Solid Jennet


Picaboo's bag photos for her 2017 foal due January 3rd.
11/24/16 12/10/16
Picaboo's bag on 11/24/16 due to foal a miniature donkey on January 3rd, 2017. Picaboo's bag photo on 12/10/16. She is due to have a miniature donkey foal on January 3rd, 2017.
12/15/16 12/21/16
Picaboo's bag on 12/15/16. She is a miniature donkey due to foal in January, 2017. Picaboo's bag on 12/21/16. She is a miniaure donkey due to foal in January, 2017.
12/27/16 1/05/17
Picaboo's bag on 12/27/16. She is a miniature donkey due to foal in January, 2017. Boo's teats on 1/05/17.  She is now two days overdue.
1/06/17 1/06/17 3:15pm
Boo's teats on 1/06/17. Boos is now three days overdue. Boo has white milk as of 1/6/17 @ 3:15pm. Baby will arrive before the weekend is over!
  Baby will arrive before
the weekend is over!!
  Born 1/07/16
  It's a spotted boy!


Sweet Punch's 2016 Bag and Teat Photos 2016
10/18/16 10/24/16
First photo for Sweet Punch. Sweet Punch's bag on 10/24/16.
This is the first photo for Sweet Punch. Waiting for her to fill
out between her teats.
10/28/16 10/30/16
Sweet Punch's Teats and Bag on 10/28/16 Sweet Punch's bag on 10/30/16 -  today is her due date but not today.
  Today was exactly 365 days since the first day of her last heat cycle.
10/31/16 11/01/16
Sweet Punch's teats on 10/31/16. Sweet Punch's bag on 11/01/16
11/02/16 11/03/16
Sweet Punch's bag on 11/02/16..she is now three days past her due date. Sweet Punch's bag on 11/03/16...369 days past her last heat cycle.
11/04/16 11/05/16
She is now 370 days 
past her last heat cycle. She is now 371 days 
past her last heat cycle.
11/06/17 11/07/16
Sweet Punch on 11/06/16...she is now 372 days past her last heat cycle. Sweet Punch on 11/07/16...she is now 373 days past her last heat cycle.
11/08/16 11/09/16
Sweet Punch's bag on 11/08/16. She is now 374 days past her last heat cycle. Sweet Punch's teats on 11/09/16 375 days past her first day of her last heat cycle
11/10/16 11/11/16
Sweet Punch's teats on 11/10/16. She is now 376 days past the first day of her last heat cycle. Sweet Punch's teats on 11/11/16...377 days past the first day of her last heat cycle.
  She is now 377 days
past her last heat cycle.
11/12/16 11/12/16 @ 1:28 pm
Black Jennet born on 11/12/16. She weighs 17.6 lbs and was 20.25" tall.

This photo was taken in the morning. By noon she had 2% white milk. You can see how the dent has disappeared  between her teats and the teats are pointing ever so slightly East and West.

Punch foaled a 20¼" tall & 17.6 lbs. black jennet at 1:28pm. She is a little doll! Photos and videos are posted on the newborn page.


Posy's bag & teats 2016
9/21/16 9/24/16
Posy foaled a very dark brown jack
on 9/24/16!


Pink Bouquet's bag & teats 2016
5/14/16 5/15/16
miniature donkey's teats and bag before foaling miniature donkey's teats and bag before foaling
5/17/16 5/19/16
miniature donkey's teats and bag before foaling miniature donkey in foal
  I used a flash today and it distorted the colors.Bag is still soft and floppy...no baby soon.
5/23/16 5/25/16
Pink Bouquest, jennet close to foaling. Pink Bouquest, jennet close to foaling.
5/27/16 5/29/16
Pink Bouquest, jennet close to foaling. miniature donkey in foal
5/31/16am 5/31/16am 2% Milk
  Baby will arrive within 48 hours!
6/01/16 6/01/16 White Milk
All systems go! Baby will arrive within 24 hours!
A beautiful dark brown (bay pattern) boy was born on 6/01/16 @ 8:50am!!


Ch Ching 2016
03/26/2016 04/04/2016
Ch Ching's bag on 4/04/2016
1st photo of Ch Ching's bag. We still have a long way to go!
4/09/16 4/10/16
4/16/16 4/19/16
4/21/16 4/23/16
  She still has a dent so no baby today!
4/29/16 4/30/16
Dent is still between the teats so she is not quite ready. Dent has disappearedand looks round on the bottom but it could be rounder.
A slight dent between teats Bag round on the bottom now.
4/30/16 am 4/30/16 pm
Cloudy milk! 2% milk in the evening..foal will arrive within 24 to 48 hours!
Cloudy Milk in the am 2% Milk in the pm
  Baby will be here
within 24 to 48 hours!
Dark Jack born 5/01/16 @2:54am!




Sweet Sensation Bagging Up 2016
2/10/16 3/02/16
Started 'bagging up' 2/10/16!
  First photo of the season!
3/07/16 3/14/16

Sweetie foaled a 21" & 20.6 lbs. spotted girl on 3/20/16 @ 3:38am. I had been sick in the bed all day and I had not checked her bag in several days. If not for the watchers on marestare alerting us that her labor had begun we may have missed the whole thing. Her birth video will be posted on the newborn page after I take footage in the morning of her dried off for the end.





Bedazzled 2015 (6th foal)
9/13/15 9/15/15
Started 'bagging up' 9/13/15!
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
10/02/15 10/03/15
Miniature donkey  in foal photo Miniature donkey  in foal photo
10/03/15 @ 4:45pm 10/04/15
White milk before foal is born! Spotted jennet born on 10/04/15 @ 3:25am!
White Milk! BeDazzled does not follow the rules!



Smitten 2015 - 1st Foal!
(started bagging up on 6/05/15)
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
7/03/15 (5 weeks!)
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
7/17/15 (7 weeks!)
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Asss Acre
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
07/24/15 (8 weeks!)
Miniature Donkey  in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres.
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres in Chapel Hill, Tn.
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey photo of jennet in foal.
Miniature donkeys in foal  photos of bags
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
8/07/15 (9 weeks!)
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
8/14/15 (10 weeks!)
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
8/21/15 (11 weeks!)
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
8/28/15 (12 weeks!)
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
9/04/15 (13 weeks!)
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
9/08/15 8am
9/08/15 (Cloudy Milk) 8am
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
8/08/15 4pm
9/08/15 (White Milk) 4pm
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
9/08/15 7pm
9/08/15 7pm (Bright Red Vulva)
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Smitten foaled @ 9:45pm...just a couple
of hours after these last photos were taken.
  A 17.8 lbs. spotted jack!


Paper Tyger 2015 (1st foal)
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
1st photo of the season for Tyger.
Bag is very soft and flabby.
Her bag is still very, very soft and flabby.
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature Donkey in foal
Miniature Donkey in foal
Miniature Donkey in foal
Miniature donkeys in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Asss Acre
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Asss Acre
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature Donkey  in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres.
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres in Chapel Hill, Tn.
Miniature donkey in foal at Half Ass Acres
Miniature donkey photo of jennet in foal.
Miniature donkeys in foal  photos of bags
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Miniature donkey  in foal photo
Paper Tyger's cloudy milk before she foals!
Bagged up for 13 weeks and 6 days today!
Notice the teats almost completely engorged.
Cloudy milk @ 4pm on 8/14/15.
She should foal within 48 hours.
8/15/15 @ 1:30am
8/15/15 @ 1:30am
Miniature donkey ready to foal - teats completely engorged!
Miniature donkey ready to foal with solid colored milk!
Teats completely engorged from top to bottom...bag fully rounded on bottom..very firm to the touch! Paper Tyger was 'bagged up' for a record breaking 14 weeks today!!
Solid colored milk (you are unable to see through it)
Dark Jennet w/NLP born 8/15/15 @ 2:15am!
HHAA Paper Doll House


Sara Carter 2015 (1st foal)
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature doneky in foal
Sarah started 'bagging up' on 6/11/15
so this photo is after one week.
Miniature Donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
miniature donkey in foal
Bagged up for 2 weeks and 4 days.
miniature donkey in foal
miniature donkey in foal
Bagged up for 3 weeks and 1 day.
Miniature Donkey in foal
Miniature Donkey in foal
7/14/15 White Milk
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey's milk in foal
A dark jennet w/tiny star was born on 7/14/15 @ 2:10pm
HHAA Ultra Violet

Star Struck (maiden) 2015)
5/03/15 5/05/15
Star Struck 2015-05-05
Excuse the poor quality photo. I need to clip her hair so the next photo will not be blurry. She still has a way to go.  
Star Struck 5/07/15
Star Struck 2015-05-10
Star Struck 2015-05-13
Miniature Donkey Star Struck's teats on 5-18-15
As you can see her bag has regressed.
Star Struck 2015-05-22
miniature donkey in foal 5-23-15
Miniature donkey jennet in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey jennet in foal
Miniature donkey in foal!
Miniature donkey in foal
miniature donkey in foal
6/05/15 pm
6/06/15 am
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
6/06/15 1 pm
6/06/15 1 pm (2% milk)
Miniature donkey in foal
Milk of miniature donkey in foal
Baby will be arriving very soon!!
6/07/15 am
6/07/15 pm
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foa
6/07/15 White Milk
Miniature donkey in foa
Few spot jack born 6/08/15 @ 7:35am!!
HHAA Goody 2 Shoes


HHAA Pull-String Toy 2015- First Foal!
5/03/15 5/05/15
Pull-String Toy 2015-05-05
Toy 2015-05-07
Toy 2015-05-10
Toy 2015-05-13
Miniature donkey Pull-String Toy's bag  on 5-18-15
Toy's bag has also regressed tonight.
Miniature donkey in foal 2015-05-22
miniature donkey in foal 5-23-15
Miniature donkey jennet in foal
Miniature donkey in foal!
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal
Miniature donkey in foal!
At this point we think Toy is going to foal before Star Struck but who knows...these darn maidens!  
6/03;15 am
Miniature donkey in foal
miniature donkey in foal
Toy is very close..but her bag is still soft. Teats swelled but milk is still clear. We expect her to foal around Friday but we hope she foals sooner.
6/03/15 pm
6/03/15 @ 9:57pm
Miniature donkey in foal
Dark Jack was born!
HHAA Boy Toy
Toy has cloudy mik and loose stool this afternoon..hopefully she will foal soon!  



Eola Hills Judith Ann 2015- First Foal!
5/02/15 5/05/15
Judith Ann 2015-05-05
She started 'bagging up' on 4/15/15.
The race is on but at this point it looks like Judith Ann may be the first to foal.
Judith Ann 2015 -05-07
Judith Ann 2015-05-09
5/09/15 @ 5pm
Judith Ann 2015-05-09  Cloudy Milk
Judith Ann 2015-05-10
She appears to have cloudy milk..baby should be arriving within 48 hours. P.S. I was wrong so ignore this photo.
She has gone down this morning...so I
think she has a few more days to go.
5/11/15 am
6/11/15 pm
Judith Ann 5-11-15 am
Judith Ann 5-11-15 pm
5/11/15 pm
5/12/15 pm
Judith Ann's cloudy milk
Judith Ann 5-12-15
Ignore this photo..this is what we mean by how maidens can fool us..they do not always follow the rules.  
5/13/15 pm
5/14/15 pm
Judith Ann 2015-05-13 pm
Judith Ann 5-14-15 pm
  Dent is disappearing between her teats so it won't be long!
5/15/15 am
Miniature Donkey  in foal  on 5-15-15

A dark spotted girl with a star, HHAA Incognito, was born about 10 hours after I posted the last photo..so I was fooled. When a maiden looks like the photo on the left you have to be very deligent to catch her foaling. Maidens do not always follow the tried and true rules. If I had not been rushing to make a doctor's appointment I might have noticed the changes she surely made in the afternoon right before she foaled. Thank goodness Joe was home to help or we may have lost this foal or at the very least been bottle feeding for months. Annie was frightened and tried to reject her but with coaxing she finally accepted her. If she had been left in the pasture to foal on her own it could have been disastrous. A big thank you to the watchers at marestare that alerted Joe she was in labor.

A few more days to go! WRONG!



Forget Me Not 2014 - First Foal!
Forget Me Not 7/02/14
Knotty 7/03/14
First photo of Knotty of the season!
Forget Me Knot on 7/28/14
Forget Me Not 730/14
Forget Me Not 8/03/14
Forget Me Not 8/05/14
Forget Me Not
8/08/14 10:35am
8/08/14 10:35am
Forget Me Not 8/08/14
Forget Me Not's Cloudy Milk on 8/08/14  10:35am
Cloudy Milk at 10:35am!
8/08/14 @ 6:30pm
8/08/14 @ 6:30pm
Forget Me Not 8/08/14 @ 6:30pm
Forget Me Not 8/08/14 @ 6:30pm
Milk is still cloudy.
8/09/14 @ 2:15am
8/09/14 @ 2:15am
Forget Me Not 8/09/14 @ 2:15am
Forget Me Not 8/09/14 @ 2:15am
Bag and teats are now hard and firm!
2% Milk...it won't be long now!
8/09/14 @ 10am
8/09/14 @ 10am
Forget Me Not 8/09/14 @ 10am
Forget Me Not 8/09/14 @ 10am
White Milk...baby arriving very soon!
8/10/14 @ 9am
8/10/14 @ 9am
8/10/14 @ 9am
8/10/14 @ 9am
Inside of vulva is bright red, baby has dropped completely under mom's belly, bag is rounded on bottom, milk is snow white. Baby will be arriving very, very soon!
Dark Spotted Jennet born on 8/10/14 @ 1:03pm!!
HHAA Much Adieu (Addie)


Ramona 2014
Ramona started 'bagging up' on 5/06/14.
Ramona 5/24/14
Ramona 5/26/14
1st photo of the season for Ramona!
Ramona 5/31/14
Ramona 6/03/14
Ramona 6/07/14
Ramona 6/10/14
Ramona 6/13/14
Ramona 6/14/14
Ramona 6/16/14
Ramona 6/18/14
Ramona 6/20/14
Ramona 6/22/14
Ramona 6-24-14
Ramona 6/27/14
Ramona 6/28/14
Ramona 6/29/14
Ramona 7/01/14
Ramona 7/02/14
Ramona 7/3/14
Ramona 7/14/14
Dark Jack born 7/15/14 @ 5am. 19" tall and 18.2 lbs.
I was out of town with my hospitalized sister
for three weeks so I missed taking photos.


Pink Nitie 2014
Pink Nitie 4/26/14
Pink Nitie 4/30/14
Pink Nitie 5/01/14
Pink Nitie 5-04-14
Pink Nitie 5/07/14
Pink Nitie 5/08/14
5/09/14 (with flash)
5/09/14 (no flash)
Pink Nitie 5/09/14
Pink Nitie 5/09/14 (no flash)
Pink Nitie on 5/10/14
Pink Nitie 5/20/14
This is the best I could do in my weakened condition.
Pink Nitie 5/21/14
Pink Nitie 5/23/14
Pink Nitie 5/24/14
Pink Nitie 5/26/14
Pink Nitie's cloudy milk on 5/26/14
A light red (pink) jennet was born on 5/26/14 @ 8:20 p.m.
Pink Nitie has cloudy milk as of this morning.
Too sick to check her milk tonight.


Hoopla 2014
Hoopla 4-04-14
Hoopla 4/10/14
Hoopla 4/14/14
Hoopla 4/21/14
Hoopla 4/25/14
Hoopla 4/26/14
Hoopla 4/28/14
Hoopla 4/29/14
Hoopla 4/30/14
Hoopla 5/01/14
Hoopla 5/02/14
Hoopla 5/03/14
5/03/14 7am Cloudy Milk
5/03/14 @ 3pm
Hoopla's cloudy milk
Hoopla 5/03/014 @ 3pm
We did not test her milk anymore.
Hoopla delivered a dark brown jack on 5/03/14 @ 5:35pm.



Junebug 2014
Junebug 4/18/14
Junebug 4/26/14
Junebug 4/30/14
Bug 5/01/14
5/02/14 9am
5/02/14 9am
Bug 5/02/14
Bug's White Milk 5/02/14 1m
White milk...we expect her to
foal within 24 to 48 hours!
Spotted jack born 5/2/14 @ 9:45pm!



Picabo 2014
Picabo 2/14/14
Boo 3/18/14
Boo 3/22/14
Picaboo 4-04-14
Boo 4/10/14
Picabo 4/14/14
4/22/14 @ 9am 2% milk
Boo 4/18/14
Picabo 2% milk on 4/22/14 @ 9am.
4/22/14 @ noon
Boo 4/22/14 @ noon
4/22/14 @ 5:30pm Boo foaled
an adorable spotted jack.



Dolly 2014
Dolly 4-04-14
Dolly 4/10/14
Dolly 4/14/14
I did not check Dolly's milk and she went into labor on 4/21/14 and delivered a brown jennet at 12:50am.



Sweetie 2014
Sweetie 3/15/14
Sweetie 3/18/14
Sweetie 4/04/14
Sweetie 4/06/14
Sweetie 4/07/14
Sweetie 4/10/14
Sweetie 4/12/14
Sweetie 4/14/14
Sweetie 4/17/14
Sweetie 4/18/14
4/18/14 noon (Cloudy Milk)
4/18/14 pm (2% Milk)
Sweetie's Cloudy Milk on 4/18/14
Sweetie 2% milk 4/18/14 evening
4/19/14 6:30 am (White Milk)
4/19/14 6:30 am
Sweetie's white milk 4/19/14 @ 7am
Sweetie 4/19/14 am
4/19/14 @ 2pm
Sweetie 4/19/14 @ 2pm
It's a 23.4 lb healthy girl born 4/19/14 @ 5:10 pm!

This will be the last photo we take of Sweetie's bag. It is hard and firm with wax on the end of her teats. I will not test her milk again as it could not be any whiter than it was this morning. Baby will be arriving very, very soon!




Shimmy 2014
Shimmy 2/20/14
Shimmy 2/24/14
Shimmy's first photo of the season and you can see we have a long way to go until April.
It appears that Shimmy will have the first foal for the 2014 season.
Shimmy 2/27/14
Shimmy 3/14/14
Shimmy 3/18/14
Shimmy 3/21/14
Shimmy 3/22/14
Shimmy 3/24/14
3/25/14 am
Shimmy's Cloudy Milk on 3/24/14
Shimmy 3/25/14 am
Wax on Teats
3/25/14 am
Shimmy's cloudy milk 3/25/14 am
Shimmy 3/26/14
Cloudy Milk
I was wrong about the cloudy milk. Shimmy has no signs of foaling this morning.
Shimmy 3/27/14
Shimmy 3/28/14
Shimmy 3/30/14
Shimmy 3/31/14
Cloudy Milk
3/31/14 am
Shimmy 3/31/14  White Milk
Shimmy 3/31/14
2% White Milk
3/31/14 pm
Shimmy 3/31/14 pm
Shimmy delivered a spotted jack at 4:08pm that day! Click here to see HHAA Hypnotic (Trance)!



Bumbles started 'bagging up' on 11/16/13.
(Maiden Jennet!)
Bumbles 12/03/13
Bumbles 12/9/13
First photo of Bumbles!
Bumbles 12/12/13
Bumbles 12/16/13
Bumbles 12/18/13
Bumbles 12/19/13
Bumbles 12/20/13
Bumbles 12/21/13
Bumbles 12/22/13
Bumbles 12/23/13
Bumbles 12/24/13
Bumbles 12/25/13
Bumbles says, "I refuse to have
this baby on Christmas day!"
Bumbles 12/26/13
Bumbles 12/28/13
Bumbles 12/29/13
Bumbles 12/30/13
Bumbles 1/1/14
Bumbles 1/3/14
Bumbles is getting closer and
closer....but not today she said.
Milk is clear and bag is soft.
Bumbles on 1/5/14
Bumbles 1/8/14
Milk is clear but bag is getting firm!
Milk was cloudy on 1/12/14 @ 9am. I will attempt to take another photo when I have help. Bumbles hates for me to take her photo now.
Milk is still clear but bag is very, very firm. We expected her to foal within 48 hours or so.
1/12/14 @ 1:30pm
1/12/14 @ 1:30pm
Bumbles on 1/12/14 @ 1:30pm
Bumbles Milk on 1/12/14 @ 1:30pm
All systems "Good to Go!"...rounded bottom, teats fully engorged and pointing East/West and as you can see by the photo on the right her milk now has color!
Her milk has now changed color (we call this 2% milk)..it will be much whiter right before she foals which will be in the next 24 hours or so!
1/13/14 @ 3pm
1/13/14 @ 3pm
Bumbles teats on 1/13/14 @ 3pm
Bumbles Milk  on 1/13/14 @ 3pm
This photo was taken 1½
hours before she foaled
This photo of her white milk was
taken 1½ hours before she foaled.
A beautiful dark red girl (21" and 21.2 lbs) was born on 1/13/14 @ 4:32pm!!



Lady Slipper's bag and teats for 2013
Lady Slipper 10/29/13
Lady Slipper 11/03/13
Teats still pointing towards each
other. We have a way to go yet.
Lady Slipper 11/04/13
Slipper's Milk on 11/04/13

Although her teats do not look ready. Slipper's bag has made a big change from yesterday so we are not taking our eyes off of her tonight!

Her milk is at 2% but it is probably because I tested it too early..even still we are going to watch her closely tonight.

11/05/13 @ 9am
11/05/13 @ 9am
Slipper 11/05/13 am
Slipper's milk on 11/05/13 @ 9am

Slipper's teats never go East/West but just engorge...they will probably be going straight down by the time she foals.

Snow white milk...baby will be arriving
very soon now! Jennet born on 11/05/13 @ 6:07pm.



Annie is now bagging up! (Maiden Jennet!)
Annie 2013-10-02
Star Struck Annie 10/06/13
First photo of Annie this season! We have a long way to go so no more photos will be taken for awhile.
We have a long way to go as you can see her teats are pointing towards one another.
Annie 10/08/13
Annie 10/09/13
Annie 10/10/13
Star Struck Annie 10/11/13
  We are expecting her to foal close to the full moon on the 18th.
10/13/13 @ 8am
Annie 2013-10-12
Annie 8am on 10/13/13
  Her bag is not quite ready..still a slight dent in-between her teats and they are still pointing straight down. But her milk has changed color so it won't be long now.
10/13/13 @ 8am
10/13/13 @ 2pm
Annie 2 percent milk at 8am on 10/13/13
Annie's Milk 10/13/13 @ 2pm
This is what we call 2% milk. Soon it will be snow white but she can foal at any time now. Annie's milk is almost snow white now but her stool is still firm and her teats have not changed since the photo taken this morning.
Annie delivered a beautiful red jennet on 10/13/13 @ 6:51pm! Her teats never did go East/West. Maidens just refuse to follow all the rules so remember to watch them closely.  



Rosie is now bagging up!
Rosie 9/30/13
Rosie 2013-10-01
First photo of Rosie this season!
We have a long way to go!
Rosie 10/05/13
Rosie 10/06/13
  Getting closer but she still has a dent in- between her teats that will disappear soon.
Rosie 10/07/13
Rosie 10/08/13
Rosie 10/09/13
Rosie 10/10/13
Rosie is getting very close. I would not be surprised to see white milk at any time now. The inside of her vulva was bright red this morning. Rosie now has all signs pointing to "GO!"...fully engorged teats, rounded bottom bag and white milk!! Foal will be arriving within 24 hours!
10/10/13 @ 8am
10/10/13 @ 1:30pm
Rosie's two percent Milk on 10/10/13 @ 8am
Rosie's White Milk at 1:30pm on 10/10/13
Rosie's milk is the color of 2% milk, it should be snow white in a few hours, baby will be arriving any time now.
Snow White Milk by 1:30pm!
10/10/13 @ 1:30pm
Rosie 10/10/13 @ 1:30pm
This will probably be the last teat photo we take as they don't get much more ready than this. Look for baby to arrive before daylight tomorrow. A gorgeous dark red girl arrived on 10/11/13 @ 12:45am weighing 26.4 lbs. We named her Kiss This and her barn name is Smooch.

Bee Sting 2013 (Maiden Jennet!)
Bee Sting 10/08/13
First & only photo of Bee Sting this season!
Bee Sting foaled a dark red jack weighing a mere 16.2 lbs. and 19¼" tall at 11:20pm on 10/08/13, nine hours after the above photo was taken. She had clear milk and no loose stool. The only sign she had was that she had made a big change from the day before. Bee Sting started 'bagging up' on 9/5/13. Maidens can really try to fool you so you have to watch them very closely!

Flirt 2013
Flirt 9/15/13
Flirt 9/16/13
First photo of Flirt 'bagging up' in 2013!

We are expecting this foal to arrive close to the full moon. Probably within three days before or after.

Flirt on 9/18/13
Flirt 9/20/13
No change and still too soft. It
is going to be a few more days.
Flirt 9-21-13
Flirt 9-22-13
Not quite there yet...milk is clear.
Flirt 9/23/13
Flirt 9-24-13
Flirt is getting very
close but not today!
Flirt 9/25/13
Flirt 9/26/13
Flirt says, "Not Today!"
Flirt says, "Not Today Either!"
9/29/13 @ 9am
9/29/13 @ 9am
Flirt 9/29/13 @ 9am
Flirt's milk on 9/29/13 @ 9am

Sorry this photo was taken at the wrong angle but you can see she is fully engorged, round bottom bag, and teats pointing East/West. Carefully compare the bottom of the bag & teats with the other photos and you will see the difference that let us know the baby was arriving very soon.

  This is Flirt's milk taken at the same time. Her milk was cloudy the night before but I did not take a photo of it as it was dark. A spotted jennet was born 1½ hours after these photos were taken!

2013 Stardance Bagging Up
Stardance on 6/30/13
Stardance 7/16/13
Stardance on 7/18/13
I know it looks like I posted these photos in reverse order but she will start making changes in the opposite direction soon. Finally...making progress in the right direction.
Stardance 7/20/13
Stardance 7/21/13
Stardance 7/23/13
Stardance 7/24/13
It won't be long now!
She still has a few more days.
Stardance 7-25-13
Stardance 7-26-13
Stardance has regressed..she has no intentions of having this baby today nor tomorrow!
Stardance 7/27/13
Stardance 7/28/13
No babies will be born today at Half Ass Acres...thanks for watching!
Stardance says, "No birthing a baby today. I would rather make my owners miss two donkey show this weekend and give me all the attention!"
Stardance 7/29/13
Stardance 7/30/13
She is making progress again.
8/01/137 8am
Stardance 7/31/13
Stardance 8/01/13
The dent inbetween her teats is disappearing..it won't be long now.
No baby will be arriving today at Half Ass Acres...thanks for watching!
8/01/13 @ 9pm
8/01/13 @ 9pm
Stardance 8/01/13 9pm
Stardance's Cloudy Milk on 8/01/13 @ 9pm
Baby will be arriving before this weekend is over. I am guessing late Friday night or early Saturday morning.
Stardance's cloudy milk at 9pm.
Should be white by the morning.
8/02/13 @ 7am
8/02/13 @ 7am
Stardance 8/2/13 @ 7am
Stardance 8/2/13 @ 7am
All systems point to GO! Bag rounded out on bottom and teats pointing East/West and fully engorged. The baby can arrive at any time now but we expect labor to begin tonight or early on Saturday morning.
Stardance's 2% milk this morning.
Baby will be arriving very soon!

Update! A 17 lb. dark jack w/NLP was born on 8/02/13 @ 7:50pm!

Ch Ching's Teats 2013 (Maiden Jennet!)
Ch Ching 5/01/13
Ch Ching 5/04/13
Teats pointing towards one another..dent inbetween...baby not coming anytime soon! Ch Ching has a long way to go!
Ch Ching 5/7/13
Ch Ching 5/8/13
  Her teats are starting to spread apart.
5/15/13 pm
Ch Ching's teats on 5/12/13
Ch Ching 5/15/13
The dent inbetween her teats will be gone soon. You were correct, Sally, Ch Ching's teats have regressed today. Very observant of you my friend! This photo was taken late in the evening and the bag is usually smaller in the evening than in the morning.
5/16/13 am
Ch Ching's teats 5/16/13
Ch Ching 5/19/13
  Her teats are pretty much the same but her bag is getting fuller by touch...hard to tell from the photo. We still have a few days to go. Don't trust her though as she is a maiden.
5/21/13 pm
5/22/13 am
Ch Ching 5/21/13
Ch Ching 5/22/13 am
We are only a few days away!
We are days away!
5/24/13 pm
Ch Ching 5/23/13
Ch Ching's teats 5/24/13 pm
Ch Ching has regressed but let's not let her fool us..she is a maiden afterall. Ch Ching is back on track..no baby tonight but it will be in the next few days.
5/25/13 am
5/25/13 pm
Ch Ching's teats on 5/25/13 am
Ch Ching's teats on 5/25/13 pm
Not much change from yesterday evening.
Her milk is clear this morning at 7am.
Ch Ching will be ready to have her baby before the holiday weekend is over.
5/25/13 pm Cloudy Milk
Ch Ching's Clloudy Milk on 5/25/13 in the evening.
Dark Spotted Jennet born on 5/26/13 @ 1:15am!!
We expect to see white milk
before the holiday weekend is over.

Puzzles' Teats 2013
Puzzles 4/24/13
Puzzles 4/24/13
Bag still flat on the bottom and
teats pointing straight down.
Bag still flat on the bottom...teats are starting to engorge.
Puzzles 2013-04-26
Puzzles teats on 5/01/13
She is starting to round out on
the bottom....it should not be long.
She has every thing except white milk and that can change at a moment's notice!
Puzzles Teats 5/02/13
Puzzle's teats on 5/03/13 @ 10am
Milk still clear...this was taken at 7pm...too dark for a clear photo. Bag is round on the bottom...teats fully engorged, milk is cloudy...she is ready to go!
5/03/13 Cloudy Milk at 9:00am
5/04/13 @ 7am
Puzzles's cloudy milk 5/03/13 in the morning.
Foal should be arriving within 24 to 48 hours!! Thanks for helping us watch.

I would call this milk somewhere between 2% and white...will be snow white right before she foals.

5/04/13 @ 7am
5/04/13 @ 5pm
Puzzles teats on 5/04/13 @ 7am
Puzzles 5/04/13 @ 5pm

Puzzles now has almost all signs of foaling except for the dropped belly and loose stool. Notice her engorged teats pointing East/West and how the bottom of her bag looks like a balloon filled with water.

We expect Puzzles to foal before this weekend is over!
Gorgeous dark spotted jack born on 5/04/13 @ 8:53pm!  



Sweet Pea's Teats 2013
2013-03-31 2013-04-06
Sweet Pea's teats 2013-3-30
Sweet Pea's teats on 4/06/13
First teat photo of the season!

Notice that teats are pointing towards each other and bag is flat on the bottom...this jennet is NOT foaling today.

2013-04-13 1pm
Sweet Pea's teats 2013-04-10
Sweet Pea's teats 2013-04-13 1pm
Teats are starting to spread apart but not quite there yet.

Teats pointing East/West, bag is round on bottom, teats engorged and her milk is snow white...baby coming very, very soon!!

5½ hours after the last photo was taken
Dark Brown Jennet born 4/13/13 @ 6:26pm!
HHAA Sweet Envy
Presenting....HHAA Sweet Envy

Ebony's 2010 Teat Photos
Ebony's Teats on 9/10/10
Ebony's Teats on 9/13/10
Ebony's Teats on 9/19/10
Ebony's teats on 9/28/10
Ebony's Teats on 10-02-10
Ebony's teats on 10-03-10
Ebony's teats on 10/10/10
Ebony's teats on 10/17/10
Ebony's teats on 10/20/10
Ebony's teats on 10/22/10
10/23/10 am
10/23/10 pm
Ebony's teats 10/23/10 AM
Ebony's teats 10/23/10 PM
10/24/10 3am
10/24/10 7:30 am
Ebony's teats 10/24/10 @ 3am Ebony's teats 10/23/10 @ 7:30am
10/24/10 1 pm ~ Baby's head!
Ebony's foal's head!
Obviously the foal is not
in the birthing position yet!
Dark Gray Jack foaled on 10/25/10 @ 1:48am!

Valerie's 2010 Teat Photos
Valerie's Teats on 8/29/10
Valerie's Teats on 9/10/10
Valerie's Teats on 9/13/10
Valerie's Teats on 9/19/10
Valerie's teats on 9/28/10
Valerie's Teats on 10-02-10
Valerie's teats on 10-03-10
Valerie's teats on 10/04/10
I am expecting to see a change in her milk any day now! Valerie's teats will engorge more towards the bottom and become firmer but she is very, very close.  
Valerie's Teats on 10-05-2010
Valerie's Teats 2010-10-06 am
  Valerie's teats have gone down this morning from yesterday...this is very common.
Valerie's teats on 10-07-10 am
Valerie's teats on 10/10/10 am
Valerie's bag is not round on the bottom and her teats are not fully engorged towards the end of them yet.  She has regressed from a couple of days ago...this is normal. Valerie's bag  has not changed much from three days ago.  Looks like she is going to hold out until about three days before the next full moon!
Valerie's teats on 10/13/10
Valerie's teats on 10/15/10 @ 9am
Valerie's  teats are getting longer and more engorged from top to bottom-more cylinder shaped instead of cone shaped. Valerie's has all the signs of foaling ...white milk, teats pointing east/west ever so slightly, and her bag is round on the bottom. Update! Valerie foaled 1 ¾ hours after this photo was taken!

Shimmy's 2010 Teat Photos
(Maiden Jennet)
Shimmy's Teats on 9/8/10
Shimmy's Teats on 9/10/10
Shimmy's Teats on 9/13/10
Shimmy's teats on 9/19/10
Shimmy's teats on 9/28/10
Shimmy's Teats on 10/02/10
Shim is getting close!
Shim is getting closer...line is disappearing between teats.
10/04/10 8am
Shimmy's teats on 10-03-10
Shimmy's teats on 10/04/10 am
Bag is still flat on the bottom and teats are pointing straight down.   Bag is becoming round on the bottom with no indention between teats.
10/04/10 6pm
10/04/10 6pm
Shimmy's teats 10-04-10 pm
Shimmy's Cloudy Milk on 10-04-10 6pm
Notice wax on end of teats..teats pointing east/west ever so slightly from the last photo..bag completely rounded on the bottom.
Cloudy to slightly 2% milk. Shimmy foaled 3 hours and 52 minutes after I took this photo but our most common time frame is 20 hours.

Photo of Boo's teats on 8/29/10

Click photo to enlarge image
Photo of Boo's teats on 9/05/10
12 hours before she foaled

Click photo to enlarge image
Boo's teats on 9/29/10
Boo's teats on 9/05/10

Notice how her teats are not engorged, pointing straight down, and bag is flat on the bottom as if it was sitting on a table.

Notice how her teats are engorged, are pointing slightly east/west now, and bag is round on the bottom as if it was a balloon filled with water.

As you can see the change is very slight and sometimes hard to notice unless you are very experienced or take photos and carefully compare them. This is how we learned how to watch for the changes that let us know when our jennets are close to foaling. Boo's foal was born on 9/6 @ 4:19am.

Photos of Sophia's teats & vulva on 10/19/08 @ 1pm ~ 13 hours before foaling.
Half Ass Acres Miniature DonkeysHalf Ass Acres Miniature DonkeysHalf Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys
Notice the roundness of bag on bottom, engorged
teats pointing East/West, blood red inside her vulva.

Click here to see photos of Sunshine's belly & teats taken 11/05, 11/06 & 11/07/04 to see the difference as she was closer to foaling.Sunshine on May 6th, 2006!

Click here to see photos taken of Glorianna on March 7th, 10th, 12th, and the morning of the 13th right before her 2006 foal was born to get an idea of the changes the jennets go through before foaling.

Click here to see photos of Sheena's milk, belly, and teats taken on 5/11/05 and 5/12/05 morning and evening to see the changes a jennet goes through close to foaling. Sheena's 2% milk on 5/11/05 @ 11:20pm

Click here to see Oprah's teats and milk on 4/30/04 @ 00:05am & 10:30am

Sunflower started bagging up on August 18th, 2009. She was hand bred to Pepper on September 1st, 2008, and then left with him for the rest of the summer.

Sunflower has white millk!! She will have a miniature donkey foal soon! Update 9/10/09! Sunflower now has white milk as of 8am.

9/11/09 @ 00:24 dark jennet with no light points was born approx. 16 hours after she had white milk.


Glow foaling Bumbles March 22nd, 2009

Below is an instructional video taken of a red bag delivery.
It gives a great visual of what it looks like and how to handle the situation.

Here is their web page with more helpful information:

Permission was given by owner to post. Filly is doing great.
Thank you to  my friend, Theresa Puckett, for finding this link!
And thank you to these people for sharing such a helpful video!

Piper's 2012 Teat Photos

1/23/12 2/05/12
Piper's Teats on 1/23/12 Piper's Teats on 2/05/12
2/12/12 2/13/12
Piper's Teats 2/12/12
Piper's Teats on 2/13/12
  Teats engorged from top almost to bottom.
2% Milk on 2/13/12 @ 3pm  
Piper's Milk on 2/13/12
Jennet was born 12 hours after the last
photo was taken on 2/14/12 @ 3:38am!

Raven's Teats & Bag Photos for 2012 (Maiden Jennet!)
2/16/12 2/16/12
Raven's bag on 2/16/12
Raven's Bag on 2/16/12
Raven is making progress & should foal next! Teats are engorging & bag is filling out on the bottom....when it looks like a balloon filled with water and the teats are engorged more towards the bottom...she will be ready.
Raven's Teats on 2/18/12
Raven's teats on 2/19/12
  Teats are starting to engorge from top to bottom. Raven's teats are hard to read since she has not raised a foal and her bag is like a maiden's because she had a foal that she did not nurse.
Raven's teats & bag on 2/22/12.
Raven's Teats on 2/24/12
Raven would not let me squeeze a drop of milk out so I don't know if she is really close or not but she does not have far to go. I did not attempt to test milk because her teats and bag are not firm enough to be ready today.
Raven's Teats on 2/25/12
Raven's teats on 2/26/12

Raven is very close but her teats and bag are still not firm enough to test her milk at this point,

Raven's bag made a big change today. Her bag & teats are starting to get firm. See how her teats are engorging from top almost to bottom. I tested her milk but it is clear. We expect to see a change in the color of her milk any day now!
Raven's teats on 2/27/12 @ 10am
Raven's Teats on 2/27/12 @ night
Milk is clear at 10am...teats could engorge more towards the bottom and bag could be more filled out and rounded in the middle. Milk appears to be cloudy but could not be positive this late at night. She has all the signs except for white milk!!
2-28-12 9am
2-28-12 9am
Raven's Teats on 2/28/12 @ 9am
Raven's 2% Milk on 2/28/12 @ 9am
Raven's bag has all signs of foaling soon!  Bag rounded on bottom, teats pointing east/west and fully engorged, inside of vulva bright red (no photo) and loose stool all over the place!! Raven's 2% milk photo taken at the same time as photo on left. This is what we call 2% milk...our most common time for the baby to arrive is 20 hours but it could be now or up to 48 hours but that is very rare.
2/28/12 2pm
Raven's Teats 2012-02-28 2pm
Raven's teats on 2/28/12 @ 2pm. She is now dripping milk out of the left side. I did not squeeze her milk because she hates it so!! I am sure it is 100% milk. She is continuing to have loose stools. We feel sure she will have this foal before daylight tomorrow.  Tomorrow is leap year day so help us think of a great name!!! Thanks for watching! Spotted Jack born @ 2:57am on 2/29/12 eighteen hours after her milk changed color!



Autumn's Teats & Bag Photos for 2012
2/24/12 2/25/12
Autumn's teats on 2/24/12'
Autumn's teats on 2/25/12
Teats pointing towarss each other...long way to go! At this point Ten looks closer to foaling than Autumn. Autumn is no where close.
Autumn's Teats on 3/01/12
Autumn's teats on 3/02/12
Autumn has made a great leap from her last photo. Teats no longer pointing towards one another! Autumn's left teat is still slightly pointing towards her right teat so she has awhile to go.
Autumn's teats on 3/3/12
Autumn's teats on 3/04/12
Teats spreading aprart and elongating but not ready yet. Still soft but making progress.
Autmn's teats on 3/05/12
Autumn's teats on 3/06/12
Bag still flat on the bottom...no baby today! Not quite there yet!
Autumn's teats on 3/07/12
Autumn's teats on 3/08/12
Her teats need to engorge more and point east/west...bottom of bag still flat. Not much change today.
Autumn 3-09-12
Autumn's teats 3/11/12
Still soft like yesterday.  
Autumn's teats 3/12/12
Autumn's teats 3/13/12
  Her milk turned cloudy about 8 hours after this photo was taken...teats and bag were much firmer.
3/14/12 - 8am
3/14/12 - 8am
Autumn's Teats 3/14/12 8am
Autumn's 2% milk on 3/14/12 @ 8am
  Autumn's 2% milk at 8am.
3/14 12 - 4pm
3/14 12 - 4pm
Autumn's teats on 3/14/12 @ 4pm
Autumn's White Milk on 3/14/12 @ 4pm
Here are all the signs!! Bag rounded on bottom and teats fully engorged and slightly pointing east/west. Snow white milk at 4pm on 3/14/12. Autumn foaled a dark brown jack on 3/15/12 @ 6:30am.



Sheila's Teats & Bag Photos for 2012
2/05/12 2/16/12
Sheila's Bag on 2/05/12
Sheila's Bag on 2/16/12
Teats pointing towards one another and bag concave in the middle. Teats starting to separate and bag is starting to fill out on the bottom.
Sheilas Bag on 2/19/12
Sheila's teats & bag on 2/22/12.
Teats are starting to spread apart & elongating. Teats almost straight down...when they go east/west and the middle of her bag is full in-between her teats she will have white milk soon after!
Sheila's Teats on 2/24/12
Sheila's teats on 2/25/12
Pointing straight down now...waiting for East/West! Sheila's teats have gone down slightly from yesterday...this is perfectly normal.
Sheila's teats on 3/01/12
Sheila's teats on 3/02/12
Teats are spreading apart but looks like she is on target for her March 6th foaling date! Sheila's teats have not changed very much but she has gotten very grumpy and this is not her normal behavior.
Sheila's teats on 3/03/12
Sheila's teats on 3/04/12
Teats started to elongate and swell towards ends. Still soft but getting there.
Sheila's Teats 3/05/12
Sheila's teats 3-06-12
Bag still flat on the bottom...no baby today! Starting to fill out in the middle but she is still soft and not firm.
Sheila's Teats 3/07/12
Sheila's teats on 3/08/12
No change to speak of today. The bottom of her bag is rounding out.
Sheila's teats 3/09/12
Sheila's Teats 3/10/12
Still soft!! Teats are firming up...big change since yesterday in firmness. I expect to see white milk and all other signs any day now!!
3/11/12 am
3/11/12 am
Sheila's teats 3/11/12 am
Sheila's Milk 3/11/12 am
Bag rounded on the bottom! Sheila's 2% milk around 8am on 3/11/12.
3/11/12 pm
Sheila's teats 3/11/12 pm
Sheila's teats right after foaling on 3/12/12. @ 7:13am
Bag rounded on the bottom!

Sheila's teats immediately after foaling. I tried to take it before she foaled but did not get a chance. I wanted you to see how much rounder the bottom of her bag became and how much more engorged her teats were on the day she foaled. She delivered a spotted jack on 3/12/12 @ 7:13am about 23 hours after we discovered her milk had changed color.




Ten's Teats & Bag Photos for 2012
2/24/12 2/25/12
Ten's Teats on 2/24/12
Ten's teats on 2/25/12
Teats pointing straight down..long way to go as well! She looks the same as yesterday but she does appear to be closer to foaling than Autumn at this point.
Ten's Teats on 3/01/12
Ten's teats on 3/02/12
Ten appears to be further along and may foal earlier than her expected due date! Teats are swelling more towards the ends.
Ten's teats on 3/03/12
Ten's Teats on 3/04/12
I am having a hard time reading Ten's teats also because she has never nursed a foal and they appear as if she were a maiden. She does seem to be getting close and I still expect her to foal before her due date of 3/26/12. Ten still appears closer than her due date!
Ten's teats 3/05/12
Ten's teats 3/06/12
Ten's bag is still flat on the bottom...no baby today! No change from yesterday.
Ten's teats on 3/07/12
Ten's teats on 3/08/12
Still flat on the bottom of her bag. Still flat on the bottom!
Ten's teats 3/09/12
Ten's teats 3/11/12
Still soft..no real change except for elongating.  
Ten's teats on 3/12/12
Photo was blurry so did not post.
Ten's teats on 3/14/12
Ten's teats 3/15/12
Teats are still soft. Bag still flat on the bottom.
Ten's teats 3/16/12
Ten's teats 3/17/12
Her bag is starting to 'round' on the bottom but she is not quiet there yet..teats are still soft. This bag looks much closer but it is still soft to the touch and her teats need to be going slightly east/west which they are not here.
Ten's teats 3/18/12
Ten's teats 3/19/12
Still flat on the bottom!  
3/20/12 9am
3/20/12 6pm
Ten's teats 3/20/12
Ten's teats on 3/20/12 @ 6pm
Still not quite there yet! Ten's teats are now firm and tight and pointing east/west!
3/20/12 6pm
Ten's Cloudy Milk on 3/20/12 @ 6pm
Cloudy milk at 6pm!! Baby will be arriving anytime between now and approx. 48 hours! Dark gray jack arrived four hours later on 3/20/12 @ 10:06 pm!



Junebug's teats 2012
Junebug 4/10/12
Junebug 4/11/12
Bag is still flat on the bottom.
Teats still pointing towards one another
and bag still flat. No baby today!
Junebug's Teats on 4/12/12
Junebug 4-16-12
No where near foaling today! Teats still pointing towards one another.
Junebug 4/19/12
Junebug 2012-04-22
Not much change. Still NOT close!
4/23/12 11:30am
4/23/12 7:30pm
Junebug 2012-04-23 11am
Junebug 2012-04-23 7:30pm
Bag was soft this morning. This evening bag was firm and so I tested the milk for the first time and it was 2%!
4/23/12 7:30pm
Junebug's Milk 2012-04-23 7:30pm
Dark Jennet with no light points was born on 4/23/12 @ 11:43pm - four hours after her milk changed color!
2% Milk!!



Be Dazzled's Bag & Teats 2012
Be Dazzled 2012-05-02
BeDazzled 2012-05-03
BeDazzled 2012-05-05
Be Dazzled 2012-05-07
  Spotted Jennet was born on 5/08/12 @ 10:30pm!! This one fooled us and we barely made it to the barn in time!



Bridgets Bag & Teats 2012
Bridget 4-16-12
Bridget 2012-04-22
Bridget 2012-04-30
Bridget 2012-05-02
I know it looks close but her bag and teats are soft to the touch..so not today! This is a bad camera angle. This is a much better photo of how her teats really look.
Bridget 2012-05-03
Bridget 2012-05-05
Another bad photo angle but her bag is still soft to the touch...not close. Still soft.
Bridget 2012-05-07
Bridget 2012-05-10
Bridget 2012-05-13
Bridget 2012-05-16
Bridget 2012-05-18
Bridget 2012-05-19
Bridget 2012-05-20
Bridget 2012-05-21
We are going to see white milk any day now! I feel that Bridget will have white milk within 24 hours...her bag/teats are very firm and teats are almost fully engorged...photo taken at 6am.
5/21/12 @ 11am
Bridget 2012-05-21 @ 11am
Dark Red Jennet w/Star born on 5/21/12 @ 6:35pm!
This is a fully extended bag and engorged teats!!  



Picabo's Bag & Teats 2012
Boo's Teats 2012-04-30
Picabo 2012-05-02
Boo 2012-05-03
Picabo 2012-05-05
Picabo 2012-05-07
Boo 2012-05-10
Boo 2012-05-13
Boo 2012-05-16
Boo 2012-05-18
Boo 2012-05-20
  Boo is going to foal earlier than her due date!
Boo 2012-05-21
Boo's Milk 2012-05-21
Boo has white milk as of 8am on 5/21/12!! Boo's changed milk at 11am....baby very soon!
  Dark jennet born 5/21/12 @ 10:33pm!



Flirt's Bag & Teats 2012
Flirt 2012-05-02
Flirt 2012-05-03
Flirt 2012-05-05
Flirt 2012-05-07
Flirt 2012-05-10
Flirt 1012-05-13
Flirt 2012-05-16
Flirt 2012-05-18
I don't know what is going on with Flirt
Her bag is tiny and soft but she is two days
past her due date!!
Flirt 2012-05-21
Flirt 2012-05-24
Flirt's bag is still small and soft and even though it is rounded on the bottom...that is mostly due to it being empty. I just don't know when she will foal but I am going to estimate that she is about two weeks away! Her bag is just a little firmer.
Flirt 2012-05-27
Flirt 2012-05-31
As you can see Flirt's teats have made a significant change. Her milk is still clear but we have moved her to the front stall and paddock for closer observation. It won't be long now! The bottom of her bag looks like she is ready but she is still soft and her teats have regressed from the 5/27 photo. This is very common.
Flirt's Teats 2012-06-01
Flirt's cloudy milk 12 noon on 6/01/12
  Baby will be arriving before the weekend is over!! Her milk was white by 6:45pm.
  Spotted girl born 6/02/12 @ 4:30am - 14 hours after her milk changed color. Her name is Butterfly Kisses.


Bow's Bag & Teats 2012 (Maiden Jennet)
Bow 2012-05-03
Taste The Rainbow (Bow) 6/13/12
Bow has not started her bag yet as you can see. Bow's bag started on 6/01/12...above is a photo we took twelve days later.
Bow 2012-06-20
Taste The Rainbow (Bow) 6-30-12

Here is Bow's bag eight days later than the last photo.

Here she is again ten days later than the last photo and looking far away from foaling.
Bow 2012-07-06
Bow 2012-07-07
Bow 2012-7-08
Bow 2012-7-10
She still has a slight dent in between her teats so she has a little way to go yet.  
Bow 2012-7-12
Bow 2012-7-13
Bow 2012-7-14
Bow 2012-7-15
Teats are engorging and the bottom of her bag is rounding out. It won't be long now! Not much change from yesterday.
Bow 2012-7-16
Bow 2012-7-17
Bow 2012-7-18
Bow 2012-7-19
Bow 2012-7-20
Bow 2012-7-21
Bow 2012-7-22
Bow 2012-7-23
Bow 2012-7-24
Bow 2012-7-25
Bow 7-26-12
Bow 2012-7-29
7/30/12 @ 7am
7/30/12 @ 10am
Bow 2012-7-30 @ 7am
Bow 2012-7-30 @ 10am
Teats are firming up, inside of vagina is turning red and milk is cloudy this morning! Two hours later and even firmer!! As you can see she is no longer flat but rounding out between her teats. We think she will foal within 24 to 48 hours!
7/30/12 @ 5:30pm
Bow's 2% milk on 7/30/12 @ 5:30pm
Tyger spotted jennet born on 7/31/12 @ 2:04am eight and one half hours after her milk changed!
Bow has 2% milk as of 5:30pm!


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Joe & Dayle Haworth
Half Ass Acres
2359 Feedmill Road
Chapel Hill, Tennessee   37034

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